Ingredients for flexible brewing?

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Dec 27, 2012
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Evening All.

My BIAB bag is getting sewn as I type, and as I don't drink that fast I want to try small batches, 5 or 10 litres so I can try a range of beer without getting knee deep in the stuff.

So I need ingredients but to keep the cost sensible l could do with getting the maximum flexibility out of what I buy.


Please recommend some ingredients should I buy to get maximum range of of beers/lagers from them?

Many Thanks. Aamcle
Come on guys 22 views and only one reply.......

I really would appreciate your help with this and I know that this form is an ocean of expert knowledge so please chip in.

ATB. Aamcle
big sack of marris otter, yeast wise I would get a few packs of safale 04, hop wise for bittering look for magnum, challenger, fuggles, aroma hops I'd go for cascade, citra, simcoe, galaxy, amarillo.
Could do with some idea of what you want to brew. As Bob said 25kg bag of pale malt is good start.
I'm probably start with bitter I also like lager I can control fermentation temp but the actual lagering could be a problem, Stout and something good and hopy.

Atb. Aamcle
Wheat malt, light and dark crystal. Plenty of styles you can brew with that lot!

Hops - goldings will last a few brews and finish any beer well :)
yes good ol " basic " hops...fuggles and EKG will fit into many beers.Target for a guinness type stout
Get the Crisp Pale Malts from MM they are very good and the backbone of beers ( as said get 25kg)
A few kg of Crystal Malt, Wheat and either Chocolate or Black.
The worlds your mollusc...
not much else to contribute but maybe worth getting some s-05, for ur clean hoppy things, harder to clear though but at plenty of it at 16 degrees will be as close to lager as you need

if buying lots of a hop eg goldings u might find some savings on the MM elsewhere but grainwise hes the man
Moving away from grains, hops & yeast don't forget to include some copper finings in your order....Irish Moss, Whirlfloc or Protafloc.
Some non-fermentable additions to add interesting flavours would be good, especially since you are doing small batches and you can afford to be experimental. Dried orange peel, liquorice, cinnamon sticks, fruit syrups, etc.
yeah that's a good point, looking at things like brewing with supermarket ingredients might expand your ideas a little without needing to order from a home brew place. honey and vanilla are two of my favourites - treacle, brown sugars, various spices, golden syrup, raspberries particularly are all widely used :cheers:
Have you any iddea what hops you like? What commercial brews do you like? you will probably find you are drawn to beers which have similar hops in them I know I am. :lol: :lol:
Maris Otter lots as it is always needed
Crystal versatile pretty much always needed
if you like dark ale like porter some choclate and black malt
Stout you want roasted barley

standard high alpha battering hops like target, nugget or Magnum

Also some aroma standard are fuggles and goldings (goldings are really popular and can be used to bitter but you need lots)
If you like a pale ale you will probably want craft hops like citra etc to add variations. Basically pale ales get variation from hops with Maris Otter and maybe a little. Crystal where dark have additional darker malt.
Not easy to answer this because, as others have said, if you want to make a variety of beers you will need a variety of ingredients, particularly hops. Maybe you have some recipes that you are planning to make? If so, write out the ingredients for half a dozen say of your favourites and identify where there are common ingredients that might give you a starting point without buying too much. Just an idea, may not help you but it is (sort of) how I plan my brewing.