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Jul 9, 2012
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Just cracked open a couple of john bull ipa last night, the kit was a gift from a mate, i used s04 yeast and 1kg of med dme, we did a taste test and both pints tasted like vineger, im really dissapointed as this is the first time this has happened to me, everything was treated with star san, the only thing i did differently was i left it in primary for nearly 4 weeks, and a slight film had started to form round the edges. Looks like ill be pouring 40 pints down the drain, worst nightmare
Not all lost put some of it ina DJ and leave with a piece of cloth over it and next year you will have the most wonderful pickling vinegar. :thumb:

4 weeks in a primary especially a dirty one would seem to be the problem especially if it wasn't a high gravity beer. Did you taste it before bottling ?
yeh i didnt intend to leave it that long just had alot on and didnt get round to bottling, i had a taste at bottling and it tasted fine, had a small taster bottle as soon as it was carbonated as well and that tasted fine, not good yet but not infected so it must have turned since then
Sometimes a beer that is infected can taste fine then just turn or quite often if you sample using a tap at the bottom of the FV it will be ok as the ifection is air bourne and starts at the top and works down.

Lesson learnt perhaps. Don't worry if it is any consolation I have probably lost nearly 40 gallons over the last few years :oops: :oops:

Mind you I do have some wonderful pickled onions :lol: :lol:
im just glad it wasnt an all grain batch that would have been alot of time wasted