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Active Member
Nov 9, 2011
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Just a quick Q
What are the tell tale signs of an infection in primary?

Done a good number of brews all turned out fine... One i have at mo is really really cloudy even tho hyrdo says you can bottle.
Hi & welcome :thumb:

Can you post a photo for the guys to take a look at?? I lost a brew about a month back and that had Green foam bits floating on the top. Needless to say that went down the drain.
What did you do?? kit?
Hi it was the Better Brew Czech Pilsner.
Looks fine to me and is showing ready to bottle, only concern is its really cloudy and every brew so far has been clear at this point
Do you have a pic so i know what im looking out for??

there are some white round patches gathering on top, doesn't look like mould but i dont know what im looking for.
just took another sample, its a LOT clearer now compared to what it was... tastes very watery though and there are still visible particles
in the sample... So fingers crossed in a few more days it will look better ready to bottle
How'd you get the wort and sample tube stuck to the wall???


To me it's definatly looking fine. Just need to get it cooler to drop the yeast out of Suspension :thumb: