Infection risk high?

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Active Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Hi guy's, I'm fairly new to brewing so I'm starting with some small 1 gallon brews to get a feel for things before moving to bigger batches. Anyways last week I brewed a all grain batch and when I was transferring from stock pot to fermenter I noticed a tea spoon in the bottom of my stock pot of wort!! My uncle was around doing some work and he must have found it funny to drop a tea spoon in! It was a clean spoon and I transferred as normal! A week into fermentation and I'm hoping things will be ok, they seem to look ok. What are the chances of picking up a infection in this circumstance? I'm slightly worried that's all. Cheers, Jimmy 🍻
It was after the boil, which has got me slightly worried. I'm not sure if he stirred his brew with it then dropped it in!! I was fuming 🤣
I'd say the chances it will be fine are 99.99%.

Really, don't worry about things like that.
O I'll tell him where to go haha. Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated!