I think it's all gone Pete Tong!

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May 17, 2012
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I think I may have my very first infected beer. I can't be 100% sure but there's definitely something not right.

It's just a kit Coopers Mexican Cerveza kit with extra DME and sugar brewed pretty much to recipe.

I did a couple of things that, in hindsight, I shouldn't have. Firstly, rather than pitch the yeast supplied with the kit I decided to go with a 3/4 pouch of US05 that I had lying around. Now, this US05 has been sitting for about 6 months since I opened it, so it's not going to be the freshest to begin with. I didn't think it would cause too many issues other than possibly not starting as quickly as expected.

The next thing I did was move the brew from my kitchen (20 degrees) to my loft (14 degrees). I read on the US05 packet that it could ferment as low as 15 degrees, looking for a clean tasting beer I decided that is the way I wanted to go. I stuck it up the loft and forgot about it for a week. When I went up to check on it there was a very slow bubble from the airlock, around 1 every 30 seconds. I kept an eye on it over the next day or 2 and nothing much changed. I then took a gravity reading and it showed 1.040 (it started at 1.049) so it was definitely not working out right. There was also a fairly strong fruity smell from the beer, something I had not noticed the previous time.

I decided enough was enough in the cool temps so I brought it down and sat it in the landing (around 18 degrees). I then pitched in the coopers yeast, hoping that it would give the other yeast a boost. As the temp increased the activity increased. I thought it was saved but the smell is still puzzling me.

It's been down since Saturday morning and the reading is down at 1.030 (moving better now) but the smell of fruit is still there.

Now, it's not an unpleasant smell... it's just really fruity. The beer looks fine, there is nothing growing on the top and nothing that looks at all out of sorts.

I know I probably won't be able to be 100% sure till the brew is finished but do any of you guys have any ideas what is going on?

I have a nice list of "what not to do" now at least :D
It'll probably be OK - as you say you underpitched, and then fermented too cool. It doesn't sound like it's infected.

You might end up with a higher FG, but definitely don't chuck it! :)
By underpitching the yeast you do tend to increase ester production as you extend the growth period

So the beer may be fine :thumb: , but you have unfortunately increased the esters and not reduced them as you had wanted.
Hawks said:
By underpitching the yeast you do tend to increase ester production as you extend the growth period

So the beer may be fine :thumb: , but you have unfortunately increased the esters and not reduced them as you had wanted.

This was what I thought had happened, at least it probably isn't an infection. There was me trying my damndest to keep the ester production to a minimum too.

Dammnit, won't be quite the clean pint I was after. Oh well, fruit beer here we come :D

Cheers for the responses guys.
ScottM said:
Hawks said:
By underpitching the yeast you do tend to increase ester production as you extend the growth period

So the beer may be fine :thumb: , but you have unfortunately increased the esters and not reduced them as you had wanted.

This was what I thought had happened, at least it probably isn't an infection. There was me trying my damndest to keep the ester production to a minimum too.

Dammnit, won't be quite the clean pint I was after. Oh well, fruit beer here we come :D

Cheers for the responses guys.
It'll maybe be a cracking pint that try to repeat, you never know.
I also think you mixed up your fermenting temperatures.
Yes a lager needs to ferment at a cooler temp than beer IF your using a Lager yeast, 05 is an ale yeast and needs normal beer temps ( 18-20C )
but it will start to work again if you bring it into the warmth and out of the loft
The data sheet for US-05 does say it will ferment as low as 12C although they recommend above 15C. You do have to pitch into wort that is at least 20C (or rehydrate at 27C). So I don't think the OP got the temperatures wrong. Using old yeast that was not sealed was not good though.
rpt said:
The data sheet for US-05 does say it will ferment as low as 12C although they recommend above 15C. You do have to pitch into wort that is at least 20C (or rehydrate at 27C). So I don't think the OP got the temperatures wrong. Using old yeast that was not sealed was not good though.
I think the old yeast would have been the problem to, maybe should have made a starter with it first to see how it went.
piddledribble said:
I also think you mixed up your fermenting temperatures.
Yes a lager needs to ferment at a cooler temp than beer IF your using a Lager yeast, 05 is an ale yeast and needs normal beer temps ( 18-20C )
but it will start to work again if you bring it into the warmth and out of the loft

My reason for using the US-05 is that its good right down to 15 degrees, well according to the packet anyway. Being the cynic I am I asked on here and some guys replied confirming that it does a fine job down at 15 degrees.

My loft temp is around 14 degrees but with the exothermic temperature I the wort was sitting around 16 degrees.

It's my own stupid fault, at the time I didn't even give the pitching quantity a single thought :D

Live and learn though :)
rpt said:
The data sheet for US-05 does say it will ferment as low as 12C although they recommend above 15C. You do have to pitch into wort that is at least 20C (or rehydrate at 27C). So I don't think the OP got the temperatures wrong. Using old yeast that was not sealed was not good though.

Yup exactly. That and the fact that it was only 3/4 of a pack, and not being fresh who knows how much of that was healthy.

Total facepalm moment, but hopefully salvageable to a suppable level :D
05 does work at low temps, but obviously your temps were too low for it to get started... Should be no harm done
Yeah it was pitched around 25 degrees (wort temp), stored in my kitchen for a day and then moved to the loft. It was around 22 degrees when I put it in the loft but the loft temp will have brought it down quickly.

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