I feel smug

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
Reaction score
Milnthorpe, Cumbria
Had some friends round last night and they brought some 'bought' red and white wine. I offered my homemade wine and they turned their noses up. So they would drink the wine they brought. I said have a try of my wine and they did. They were sick. My wine knocked spots of their bought wine. Oh yes!

Chalk one up for the good guys. :party: :party:
Nice one Bob :thumb:

Just the same with beer, number of times folk are skeptical when they find out you've brewed it yourself :roll:

Funny how so many people go on about vegetables, 'we grow our own' or baking 'can't beat the Mrs home made...' etc

... then turn their noses up at home made wine or beer :wha:

They soon change their mind though eh :lol:
It's rather strange why people seem to think of homebrew as somehow being inferior to commercial products. But not so with other things. Funny how times change. 150 years ago it was 'normal' to brew your own, and wealthy households employed their own brewer.
I think one of the main problems is that when home brewing had a surge of popularity in the 70s, some of the kits were pretty bloody awful, and it's going to take a long time to get rid of those negative preconceptions.

Home made wine is always going to arouse suspicion, it can be quite dire unless it's done right.
Its a great feeling when you blow them away with a good AG. I always remind people that commercial brewers are tied to a budget for ingredients, we are not. Also a lot of the award winning micro breweries are homebrewers gone "pro", using the same techniques that you and me do