Hi there and welcome to the forum,
A reading of 995 indicates that the wine has finished fermenting at the medium dry end of the spectrum. 995 - 990 is medium to dry, 1000 - 995 is sweet to medium.
Your 30 bottle kit at 1020 is not finished just as Calum says. Ignore the instructions on the can, they are at best a guide. The only thing to take note of is your hydrometer, how long has it been fermenting? and at what temp?
There is a possibility that your wine has stuck, this is not common but it happens, things you can do to get it going again are 1. increase the ambient temp a little (maybe a couple of degrees) 2. give it a gentle stir with a sterile paddle/spoon, do not splash just swirl it, this will get the yeast back into suspension.
Depending on the temp wine can take a fair while to ferment most kits work well in an ambient temp of around 18 - 20*C. A longer slower ferment is better than a short faster ferment, you get less fusel alcohol in the brew which translates into a better wine which does not give you a headache.
Hope this helps.