Hunky Dory

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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Anyone done this from Marc Ollosson's book :?: Not sure what to brew next week, shortlisted are London Pride, Townes IPA or, Hunky Dory.

I'm leaning towards Hunky Dory as I've not done this one before and, I'm keen to try some amber malt again. My only previous effort with amber was not to my taste at all but, I also used a different yeast on that occasion so difficult to know whether the amber was to blame. So, I'd like to give it another go, on a tried and tested recipe.

Any feedback on the Hunky Dory would be appreciated. I'm Looking to brew next Tuesday.
Pretty sure Vossy has done this, sure he'll be along later :D
Anyone done this from Marc Ollosson's book

Yep I've done it...surprise surprise :lol:
I brewed it to see what amber malt was like.
From the keg it was lovely, like drinking liquid digestives, and I'd recommend the recipe to anyone who's looking to try a biscuit taste in their beers :cool:
Vossy, any comparisons to a commercial brew that I might have tried :?:
Perhaps I'll give it a try. The last time I used amber it went down the sink - really didn't like it. Let's hope it was the yeast that I took a dislike to :sick:

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