How to sort hugely over-carbonated beer

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Feb 24, 2024
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Hi folks, it's the newbie again, in another spot of bother! This time it's a massive overcarbonation problem. The beer is in two corny kegs, in a three-tap kegarator, with CO2. I've tried tweaking the temperature and the pressure, I've tried releasing all the gas from the kegs and then re-gassing them at the lowest possible pressure... still the same result. Is there any way to sort this?

That is an excellent question. I've tweaked it so many times that I can't honestly remember... I'll try to recall. It started off with a low-carbonation problem, then I got some helpful advice on forced-carbonation on this forum and got the pour absolutely spot on - cranked the psi up to 30 and rolled the kegs around. I left it at that for about a week, then I thought I ought to turn the pressure down, so I used the safety valve on the regulator to drop the pressure (probably should have used the safety valve on each keg in retrospect) and dropped it to around 9. Then I got loads of foam. The beer tastes just fine when you get past the foam, it's just impossible to pour!
The 30psi for a week is your issue I would have thought 24hrs max and then drop it down to serving pressure.
How to fix your current issue perhaps turn the gas off and then let the gas out with the safety valve, leave over night and release again, repeat and rinse until it’s ok to pour. This is just a guess as I’ve never tried it.
The 30psi for a week is your issue I would have thought 24hrs max and then drop it down to serving pressure.
How to fix your current issue perhaps turn the gas off and then let the gas out with the safety valve, leave over night and release again, repeat and rinse until it’s ok to pour. This is just a guess as I’ve never tried it.
I'm willing to try it! Thanks. I'll report back on the results. 😄
SMP is correct when you release the pressure most of the co2 is still in the beer so you have to let it come out of the beer and release it again. Do this until most of the gas is out of solution then set at a pouring pressure and go from there.
i have done this when I have over carbed and eventually it will find a equilibrium then you can always add more to carb to your desire

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