How to change label

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
Reaction score
Milnthorpe, Cumbria
Now that I have passed to the dizzy heights of 'Master Brewer', can I change the label? I had thought about 'Malt Shoveler', but then I thought about 'Zymologist', as I ferment lots of different things, not just good old malt. So could one of you hard working mods change it for me?

actually it goes on..... Drunkard.....Pizz artist.....AA founder.... downandout..... Corpse.

Mod's can't, Try a Pm to V1 or Eskimobob. As they may not read this.
There's a group account something like THBF_ADMIN. PM that and all the admins get it one of the kindly souls will sort you out.
I think pizz artist would have been better.... :clap:

cheers well done you big Zymologist you
Or maybe it should be 'Pizzologist', but I better keep it as it is or I will end up as Ex Pizzologist. :grin: :grin:

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