Hi Verb. Sorry, couldn't possibly help you with the courses info, but as another newbie brewer I'd say that this thread does an excellent job covering the basics in simple and understandable terms:
Helped me a whole lot and as you get started you'll always learn a little more by doing. Getting hold of a couple of books on the subject might be a good idea and the people on this forum are friendly and willing to help. Not to say that a course would be a bad thing if you can find one near you. Good luck and go for it!
While a course might be of some benefit, read through loads of the threads on this forum and if you can find someone locally doing a brewday I'm sure you could tag along, but I would say go for it, it's not as difficult as you may think, it's mostly practical and all about organising your timing as much as anything once you've assembled your gear :thumb:
Certainly my first AG brew made sense as I was going along and I really enjoyed it :clap:
........ certainly enjoying the results now :drink: :drunk: : :lol:
I don't run courses ( I do do consultancy ), but I am more than happy to have people over on a brew day to show them the ropes, explain what each bit does, what is going on in the process, etc . . .once you've seen a brew day in action, then it is pretty easy to work out what to do on your own. . . . I also normally have a live Brew day video feed (8 hours of boredom :lol:) with a chat session running which can be used for the same thing for those that can't travel to me . . . I'm currently planning a brewing session around the 6th-7th November.