How much you brewing for Xmas ?

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In Cornies,

Sierra Nevada Clone
Imperial Kolsch
Citra IPA / APA
Munich Lager
Cherry Brett Porter

Planning a hefe and maybe sneak in another lager for the new year.
Andyhull said:
I just need to get that first AG done so i know how long it takes and so can sell it to SWMBO.
Then i'll be off and hopefully brewing every 2 to 3 weeks as i spend on average £30 a month on beer so that equates to 2 to 3 brewdays every month on a monetary basis.

All i need to do is explain to SWMBO that i could do 2 brew days a month and still save £10 a month so we're both winners.

will someone explain for me?
Well Andy , you'll prob spend just over 6 hours for a simple 1 temp step mash brew from start to pitching but you may get that down to 5 ish hours when comfortable with brewing , but as mentioned you have about half that time waiting so other tasks can be done for the mrs .
Now prices , well after equipment which could get silly expensive but need not ( :hmm: ) when you buy grains get 25kg sacks only £25 ish and maybe 4kg per brew so poss 6 brews so thats £5 for grains , hops get bulk 5kg approx £45 that means approx 90p for 100g = 1 brew . Then yeast 1 liquid vial £6.50 plus 1.5kg dme (£15 for 3kg so £7.50 for 1.5kg ) ferment yeast with 500g , split yeast into 10 then use 1 with 100g of dme for starter (dme not needed if you have saved unfermented wort from last brew) so thats £6.50 plus £7.50 = £14 divide by 10 (10 brews) = cost £1.4 .
so we got £5 for grains
£.90 for hops
£1.40 for yeast plus elec/gas costs etc

so approx £ 7/10 for 40 pints of top brew , shop cost £80.

Morgan said:
In Cornies,

Sierra Nevada Clone
Imperial Kolsch
Citra IPA / APA
Munich Lager
Cherry Brett Porter

Planning a hefe and maybe sneak in another lager for the new year.

cor! merry bloody christmas!

mine and dad's;

1/2 batch left of Coopers Wheat
5 gal Cooper's Pilsner
5 gal Wherry
5 gal English Honey IPA
2 gal American IPA
2 gal Batham's Bitter Clone
2 gal Rum & Raisin Stout
1 gal Blackberry Wine (circa 2011.)
1 gal leftover bottles :cheers:
I have 24 pints of barley wine in king keg
Woodfordes wherry real ale in corny and 9 grolsch bottles
Tc in corny & 15 grolsch bottles
Burton bridge summer ale in corny and 9 grolsch bottles
2 gallons on Wow
Its not alot compared to u guys but its the biggest stock ive had so far as normally drink the kit before next one is ready but ive been good not drinking it
Also been saving my 3 x 1l bottles of havana rum mmm nice :D
I have stashed

20 - 500ml bottles of raspberry wheat
20 - 500ml bottles of summer fruit real ale
20 - 500ml bottles of coopers wheat beer
20 - 500ml bottles of St peters golden ale
40 - 500ml bottles of coopers sparkling ale
40 - 500ml bottles of Irish stout

and another batch going on this weekend :party:

merry xmas :cheers:
Don't hold great stocks of beer, tend to be drinking from one polypin while having 1 or 2 conditioning. Slight cock up on the planning front means only have one beer in a pin at the moment which I plan to start drinking soon. So because I tend to have several relatives with dry tongues hanging out expecting beers I'm brewing for the next 3 weekends to satisfy their needs. Well someone's got to do it.
piddledribble said:
erm...lets see.

in 500 ml bottles
30 x Exmoor Gold
20 x Sarah Hughes 1 Dark Ruby Mild
30 x Sarah Hughes 2 Dark Ruby Mild
30 x Gob Hoblin
28 x Timothy Taylor Landlord
20 x Piddles Dribble ESB
20 x Old Conkerwood Black Ale ( still a bit :sick: )
20 x Wherry
3 cases of a mixture of Muntons Golden Ale, Coopers Stout Brewmaster IPA, Coopers Dark Ale, Cerveza and St.Peters
4 gallons of Ciders, 3 gallons tea bag wines ( wine to be bottled this week )
21 litres of Nutty Rauchbrown ready for bottling

plus a couple of kit brews of my sons for pressies for his friends ( APA and IPA )

Storage capacity is now full !

Oh and one case of various bottled kit beers all over 5 months old

Christmas brews are all completed now. when last of beers are in bottles I will be stripping everything down and giving it all a big clean and sterilise everything.
Hopefully new boiler and bench to be acquired for start of new season, depending on the generosity of Christmas donations... :D
My current boiler will be used as hlt

Is your camera bust :wha:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sounds like a stash to me :thumb:

Sorry old friend never think to take a picture of shelves of beer. Will manage another one this week hopefully

edit. Bad day at work yesterday.....knock off 2 bottles of Sarah Hughes 2 from the stash.................. :oops: :oops:
piddledribble said:
Sorry old friend never think to take a picture of shelves of beer. Will manage another one this week hopefully

edit. Bad day at work yesterday.....knock off 2 bottles of Sarah Hughes 2 from the stash.................. :oops: :oops:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

:thumb: It's good for you man ;)

25 x 500ml bottles Coopers Ginger Beer
20 x 500ml bottles Youngs ubrew brew buddy lager
4 x 1L & 1 x 500ml bottles turbo fruity cider experiment

Brewing 18L of a crimbo bitter and about to pop a DJ of raspberryade on.

Hmmmm, feeling like I don't have much ready for the festive season now after reading this thread!!

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