how much to steralise

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Active Member
Oct 9, 2011
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So I steralised everything last night before moving my beer into what has now become the leaky keg. I clean/steralised everything when I'd done last might. I resteralised everything I wanted today to change from keg to keg. So its all sterile again. I will, but do I need to, steralise everying again before I start my next beer going in the FV. Am I overdoing it or is this a good brewing method.
If you SEAL the keg before you fill it again, but before you do I would check for leaks using plain water, then no you don't need to re-sanitize (I say sanitize as you can't sterilise using anything less than an autoclave, or so I have been informed).

But if you leave it open then yes.
I clean all kit well after use, but only sterilise/sanitise when I next need to use it. I figured unless you use the kit within, say, 30 mins of sanitation then it will need re-doing anyway.
I think it's good brewing practice :thumb: I sanitise everything that could come into contact with my beer (including the cans and can opener) maybe i'm a bit o.c.d but it's not worth losing a brew for the sake of a bit of time and few pence worth of sanitiser :(
I do the same as Eric and make sure everything is clean after use and then sanitise when i want it

I would sanitise prior to use. I use videne but I also put the fv over an open kettle and boil it for 5 minutes that works for me.