Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of buying up one of those 2 can Brewmaker Best of British kits from Wilkinson's while they're cheap and modifying it. I want to do the IPA and the standard kit comes out at around 4.3 % or there about. I'm a believer that proper IPAs should be strong beers so this standard ABV doesn't cut it for me. I reckon 500 grams of DME would give me the desired ABV of 5% or more but I want to try steeping some grains and adding hops to it to boost it up both in strength and flavour. How much will I need to substitute 500g of light DME? I only have a 1 gallon pot, will this be big enough. I intend to do a Target hop tea and to dry hop with East Kent Goldings as well to boost the hop profile.