I clean the outside of all my stainless with warm soapy water, same on the inside for the mash tun and HLT. The boiler gets light tan/brown deposits during use and this requires a bit of shifting, so I use warm caustic soda solution. It's best not to use anything abrasive on stainless as you can strip away the oxidised layer causing it to rust. If you do get rust simply scour it off, dry, and leave for a few days for the oxidised layer to reform.
Kettle elements can get mineral deposits on them and it's really hard to shift, it's easily cleaned off though with a soak in citric acid.
As for sterility, only the fv needs to be sanitised before use, that's easily done with various sanitisers, though best keeping contact time with chlorine based sanitisers as short as possible as they can cause pitting with prolonged contact.