:thumb: Thanks Moley, just like cricket - without boundaries, we wouldn't know the score
High alcohol liqueur wine kits have been around for a long time, most of them are IMO a one hit wonder. A Christmas or Birthday gift that gets bought because "you do home brewing and this is mad alcohol".
There is currently a thread running in The Snug
Here about peoples perceptions of home brewed beers and wines.
I believe these kits have a lot to answer for in that perception. Odd tasting, fall over juice is my recollection of the kit I made a fair few years ago. (Prohibition - Peach Schnapps)
The excitement of watching all those yeasties working hard to make the wash, the black water when I added the activated charcoal then slowly watching it clear to a colourless liquid.
The anticipation of trying this... and the disappointment of the reality, an odd backnote of "the way de-icer smells" added to the artificial peach :sick:
If these kits have improved then I would be interested in trying one again. The improvements would have to be massive though.