Hot break camping

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Active Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Given the appalling bad weather are there likely to be any issues with camping as far as we know at this stage?
The reason for my post was to find out if anyone knew what the present state of the ground was like. If camping is okay at the moment then it is unlikely to get much worse-I hope.However if the current ground conditions are unsuitable,maybe a contingency plan would be appropriate.
I've had a message off Robawarell who has been to the brewery it reads as follows
Righty ho. I've been down to the brewery. Supprisingly the fields are firm at the moment and will stand a bit of traffic. The ground is obviously wet and will cut up a little if it was being used today. Please note to the caravan users that the field does have a slope in it so extra blocks may be needed to level a big van up. The sun is out today and will dry this field quickly and so long as we do not get absolute deluge rain I am sure all will be fine.
Please note to the caravan users that the field does have a slope in it so extra blocks may be needed to level a big van up.
Slight slope not a problem, but are we talking mountain or mole hill? Can't be that bad surely as tents need levelish ground too. :D

As for the weather. I am forcasting a cracker of a weekend. :D



Tha last pic is the back of the brewery which might be of use for something other than camping on
Looks good, thanks Eddie. Interested to see sheep in the field, will they still be there for the BBQ.

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