Hops with kits

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stu brew

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2011
Reaction score
I have already posted this on the end of my hops and grain decision but then thought this would be a better place .
Hi all iv just made two 5 galon ales from kits ( Tom Caxton ale kit ) the first I made up as per instructions but as this will be my last kit as I'm about to start full grain brewing I thought it was a good time to try adding my own hops . So can you tell me how this sounds please .
First off I boiled 3l off water with 2oz of fuggles hops ( fresh) in a tea bag for 30 min witch whet well I then added 2oz of caster sugar and three table spoons of maple syrup when still boiling the hops I then warmed up the can from kit and added the wort and hop water and 1kg of Demerara sugar in to my fv and made up two 5 gallon with cold water i then cooled it down two 22c And then added 6g of x jwb yeast witch has started fermenting over night .
Now I'm trying to make a sweet ale with a good hop aroma how far from the mark shall I be ?

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=52.576443,-1.214186