Hop plant pruning help

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Jan 20, 2021
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Hi all
I have two hop plants growing in the garden. After last years harvest I never cut back the vines. The reason for this is because they are relatively new plants and I read that to help the root system get the most out of the seasonal sunshine it’s was best to pick the cones rather than just cut the vines off and harvest.. Anyway what I forgot to do was once it had shed its leaves was to cut back the vines. Any of you people know when it’s a good time to trim back last years old vines of the trellis . in preparation for this summers growth ?.
Not sure what effect cutting them back this late will have, always cut mine back at the start of winter after picking the hops, late Sept / early Oct.

You should have new shoots appearing now.
Not sure what effect cutting them back this late will have, always cut mine back at the start of winter after picking the hops, late Sept / early Oct.

You should have new shoots appearing now.
Yeah all good ,, half dozen new shoots up