honey instead of sugar for Lager

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Active Member
Sep 27, 2010
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Im wanting to start experimenting a little with some kits I have, Im going to brew a Coopers Canadian next and was thinking of using something different instaed of the sugar. I was going to buy some light spaymalt but my HBS only had dark and I didnt think that would go properly with a Lager. I was considering using honey instead of sugar or 50 / 50 sugar and honey.

Has anyone done this before and did it work?

Will it have much effect on the final taste / body?

Would I just substitute it weight for weight?

Should I use only honey or half and half?

the guy on this video just substitutes 1kg of honey for 1kg of sugar - hes a bit mental but its simple to follow
heres a video of a guy on youtube doing the coopers kit with honey - http://www.youtube.com/user/CraigTube#p/search/2/sC5p9NyMrB8
and his taste test afterwards - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0HR9uiK4s8&feature=fvsr

i brewed a tom caxton lager kit today, 500 grams of 'hopped light spraymalt' along with 500 grams of tate and lyle sugar, i dont if the honey adds much to the body of the beer but apparently spraymalt improves it. maybe someone else can advise if u can use dark spraymalt with lager kits or not or if its for stouts etc?