honey ale/porter

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Active Member
Oct 20, 2012
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Which is the best honey to use when making a batch of honey ale/porter.
Clear, set or soft etc.

Well some people would say go for the best honey that you can get which would be expensive depending on how much you are using. I have not tried myself. But for flavour I would not see the problem with using supermarket stuff.

But please if I am wrong someone please correct me :)
Yeah a quality honey is worthwhile - I hear orange blossom sucks in ale though!

Tip it into the boil at flame out, or even just dissolve in hot water and add into the fv - it'll preserve the aroma.
The National Honey Board recommend bringing it up to 80degC for 30mins to kill/reduce any nasties before diluting to the same (or at least similar) gravity as your wort and adding it after initial fermentation has taken place.

I think I read that in John Palmer's book and is the advice I followed for my last brew which is soon due to be bottled.

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