Home Tap - Line Advice

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New Member
Apr 7, 2020
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Hi All,

I'm fairly new to the home brew scene... at least in a semi serious capacity if you discount some fairly bad kit experiences many years ago... but in anticipation of doing it properly I managed to have a tap installed in our kitchen when we renovated last year which will be supplied by kegs in a cellar.

Not really knowing what would be required to utilise said tap, I sought advice of a large supplier but all I have ended up with is 2 product lines... one in 3/8 and the other in 3/16. The idea of two being that if the larger one foamed the smaller one might not. They are uninsulated and run probably 8m or so once the twists and turns are accounted for back to a cellar which shall be the brew room.

I'm now worried that in fact... this should have been 3 lines... in insulation... to allow for a cooling circuit... which my tap / font is setup for. Whilst I have a 'spare' line it's only 1 and in any case... theres no insulation so cooling it would probably be a condensation nightmare resulting in damp coming through a ceiling.

Obviously the answer initially is... see if it works as is with no line chilling... which I shall in a couple of weeks time... but ahead of then... what are we thinking?

With a suitably chilled keg... am I good? Or am I going to be a frothy mess unless I can get the lines and tap chilled?

I'm kinda annoyed said supplier didnt point this out earlier... adding a new line now will be a nightmare... doable... but a lot of wasted effort and mess to otherwise finished rooms. We live and learn I guess.

Anyway... thoughts appreciated.



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