high temperature

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Active Member
Feb 20, 2011
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hi all havent got time to introduce my self yet as i am worried about my brew

its my first time and i bought a youngs brewbuddy lager kit and the instructions say once the yeast has been added store the fermenting bucket at 18-21 degrees for 4 to 6 days last night the central heating packed in just as i was putting it in the airing cupboard :evil: i turned heating off at the wall and this morning it started working again the brew got as low as 17 degrees in the night but now the hot water cylinder has hot water in it again the temperature has risen to 23.4 degrees so now i have left the door open and am just waiting a while to take another reading

is this temp fluctuation a bad thing or will my beloved survive?
Hi fran and welcome to the forum :cheers:

Some temperature fluctuation is fine, normal and quite acceptable, just try not to let it YoYo too much.

One thing I would say is to disregard anything your kit says about 4-6 days and read that as 7-10 days, they are usually over-optimistic. It might be possible, but it's not necessarily desirable.

if you look back on past posts you will see that aleman stated that temp fluctuation was very bad for beer taste. this was an area i had been leaving to chance and had been lucky with over the summer. results detiorated over the late autumn and winter.

after following aleman's advice i converted a defunct fridge into a fermentation cupboard and purchased an atc800 controler . i already had a brew belt which i had been regulating manually in cold periods which i now plugged in to the atc.

i have put three batches through this system and all have been back to the standard i was achieving in the summer. so i can report that progress has been made. obviously this is not a strict experiment with a control etc but i am sure it is a significant step forward.
