Hi from Oakley, Hampshire

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user 42983

Active Member
Aug 20, 2021
Reaction score
Its been around 8 years since I started home brewing and have now retired so will be able to spend a bit more time at this. My late father was a big home brewer back in the 1970s and also a National Beer judge and those memories and the resulting real ale, I suppose, got me into it. I started off with a couple of kits and soon moved onto experimenting with extract brews before taking the plunge with an all-grain set up 5 years ago and have never looked back. Trouble is I always want to keep adding to it!
I look forward to learning more from everyone on this site and hope to be able to contribute myself.
Hello @Oakleyroyal very nice to meet you :-) Can you share a few more details about your AG brewing setup?

Hi I currently have 2 x 56litre stainless pots with electric heaters each controlled by an STC1000 controller, one is used as the HLT and the other as a boiler. I also have a 50litre stainless mash tun, 2 pumps and a plate chiller. I've also converted a fridge into a controlled fermentation fridge.
I've tried to attach pictures but having trouble finding out how to do that at the moment but will try to do so later.
Hi, now I have sussed it!
First shows brew set up, second shows bar (and others). I’ve since added a 4th keg with secondary regulator set to 4psi to feed hand pump, works really well! thumb.

Hi Oakleyroyal and welcome to Valhalla. Beware of retirement, it's easy to find yourself busier than when you were at work if you're not careful.
Love BJH. One of my favourite bands of all time.
Hi Oakleyroyal and welcome to Valhalla. Beware of retirement, it's easy to find yourself busier than when you were at work if you're not careful.
Love BJH. One of my favourite bands of all time.
Thanks An Ankoù, I’m already realising that, I thought days would get longer not shorter!! First saw BJH in 1975, brilliant band!

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