I've always been interested in getting into homebrews, and finally got the nudge I need when the Mrs bought me a brewing kit for our anniversary (after spending the month before hinting I drink too much beer
), so I now have a "simply export stout" kit brewing...hopefully
Some of the instructions seemed a little vague for a complete newbie like me, but managed to get there. But hoping someone with more experience may reassure me about if things are as they should be:
First off, the ever so helpful instructions said to fill the airlock half full. Its one of the S-bend triple bubble type things (sorry, technical words aren't in the vocabulary yet), so water is sitting about half way up bubble 2 on both sides when inserted. Will this be an issue? As its the airlock/bubbling im getting a little confused with. Get comfy, this may take some explaining!!
Followed instructions, got everything set up, and bunged the bucket in the airing cupboard which sits at a nice 20.5-22.5c. 3 days later, still no bubbles, but the water was all pushed round into the far bend of the airlock, and the bucket lid has domed. Even slight pressure - like resting my hand on the bucket lid - produced furious bubbling till it was removed, so no air leaks anywhere. But an hour or so after that, it started bubbling of its own accord with a nice strong consistent bubble, which lasted about 48hrs. I then reached to get something from behind the bucket and brushed the airlock with the back of my hand, since then, no bubbles! Could the airlock be dodgy or too full? Lid is still domed and bubbles up with the slightest touch. I can see what looks like a very thin layer of spent yeast at the bottom of the bucket, and there is a small froth on top (again, technical words!) ,so im pretty sure its done something. But I just have no idea if it should bubble lots, nothing, all the time, for only a small window of the process etc. Tried looking some bits up but never found anything specific, just general things. The airlock water is still sitting slightly pressurised, but id say a 70/30 split between the two sides.
I know kits are meant to be foolproof, but I have a feeling the Mrs bought it to test that fact

Some of the instructions seemed a little vague for a complete newbie like me, but managed to get there. But hoping someone with more experience may reassure me about if things are as they should be:
First off, the ever so helpful instructions said to fill the airlock half full. Its one of the S-bend triple bubble type things (sorry, technical words aren't in the vocabulary yet), so water is sitting about half way up bubble 2 on both sides when inserted. Will this be an issue? As its the airlock/bubbling im getting a little confused with. Get comfy, this may take some explaining!!
Followed instructions, got everything set up, and bunged the bucket in the airing cupboard which sits at a nice 20.5-22.5c. 3 days later, still no bubbles, but the water was all pushed round into the far bend of the airlock, and the bucket lid has domed. Even slight pressure - like resting my hand on the bucket lid - produced furious bubbling till it was removed, so no air leaks anywhere. But an hour or so after that, it started bubbling of its own accord with a nice strong consistent bubble, which lasted about 48hrs. I then reached to get something from behind the bucket and brushed the airlock with the back of my hand, since then, no bubbles! Could the airlock be dodgy or too full? Lid is still domed and bubbles up with the slightest touch. I can see what looks like a very thin layer of spent yeast at the bottom of the bucket, and there is a small froth on top (again, technical words!) ,so im pretty sure its done something. But I just have no idea if it should bubble lots, nothing, all the time, for only a small window of the process etc. Tried looking some bits up but never found anything specific, just general things. The airlock water is still sitting slightly pressurised, but id say a 70/30 split between the two sides.
I know kits are meant to be foolproof, but I have a feeling the Mrs bought it to test that fact