my name is Russ
new to the hole home brew game stared 4 weeks ago with a plastic 5L water bottle and a air locker from my bro mto make cheaky vimto and went well
now onto DJ as my bro has spare few and staredt getting my own air lockers and sutch of my own
only doing the alco piss as my other half calls them want to get into wine no need to to beer my bro has that all under contorl
new to the hole home brew game stared 4 weeks ago with a plastic 5L water bottle and a air locker from my bro mto make cheaky vimto and went well
now onto DJ as my bro has spare few and staredt getting my own air lockers and sutch of my own
only doing the alco piss as my other half calls them want to get into wine no need to to beer my bro has that all under contorl