Help with my first brew, Coopers Canadian blonde

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Oct 20, 2013
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Hi All,
I put my first brew on a few weeks back, I thought I had done a decent job. But apparently not, or am I being too impatient? This is my diary from the brew......

Canadian blonde by coopers
Thursday 24th October 2013 8:30 pm

Heated extract
Sanitized equipment
Boiled kettle
Boiled water for beer
Added extract
Added coopers brew enhancer 1
Brought to 4 litres with boiling water
Stirred for about 4mins
Added water to 22 litres
Water temp 24deg cel
Added yeast.
Took specific gravity. Reading 1042 at 23 deg cel
Put air lock in and filled with water.
Put in garage. Covered with duvet jacket
Noticed small amount of yeast left in bottom of packet.
Had to open to put rest of yeast in!
Coat back on. Sitting at 23deg cel
Lid sealed
Used brew belt with electronic thermostat to keep temp at 20.5deg cel

25th September Lots of Bubbling started by 8:30am next morning.

28th September took sample 19:30 golden cloudy very drinkable. Sg 1020
Still bubbling. Tho slowed quite a bit.

31st September, checked sg maybe around 1018-1019 bubbles every 30-45 secs
Opened looked ok. Swirled FB around and put temp up to 24 deg Cel

1 Nov sg 1016. Not bubbling much at all. Opened and stirred. Started to be bubble more after a few hours.

2nd Nov sg 1014 gave it a little of a swirl, Temp 24 deg c
3rd Nov sg1014 bubbling all but stopped
5th Nov bubbling 4 bubbles per minute

9th Nov. Fg 1014. Bottled. 40x 500ml bottles sitting at 18.5 deg. In old fridge with
Boot drier rigged to electronic thermostat. (Works really well!) Used 1 coopers carbonation cube in each.

14th nov. Opened 1 bottle. Really Clear with white sediment at bottom. Little fiz on opening but totally flat. A little sweet but Not a bad taste. Rotated all bottles 12 times vertically (OCD) put heat up to 22deg cel.

Have I botched this up ? Or is it likely to be ok in a few weeks, reading the coopers instructions, It should be carbonated by now.
Comments greatly appreciated!

Gmc. :cheers:
Generally after bottling you need to keep it in the warm for a couple of weeks then in the cool for at least a couple more weeks for your beer to condition and absorb the co2 it produced during the warm spell.

Ignore the timing on the kit instructions, they are always optimistic :thumb:
Thanks for the advice, I will be away with work for two weeks. Would there be any harm leaving it at 22deg for this period or should I have the heat turned off after another week?
I am sure no problem if you leave them, but remember they won't have any fizz until you cold condition them. You will find that the beer will mature over the next few months. It will lose all hint of home brewing and it is likely the yeast left in the bottle will compact making it easier to pour without getting sediment into the glass.