Help with Mauribrew weiss yeast....

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New Member
Mar 20, 2014
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Hi. I have a brew that started at 1060 and appears to have stalled at 1022 (had about 36-38 hrs of pretty hardcore action) consists of 3kgs of LME and 1kg of DME with a 500g mash of chocolate malt in 4 litres (steeped at 70-80 deg celcius for 30mins) which was then boiled with the DME and hops to get a mini wort. All made to 25 litres total volume. The yeast I used was dried Mauribrew Weiss....temps were 27 deg during the burst of activity.

I was a little fearful reading the yeast data sheet that I might kill the yeast with such a high potential alcohol level. Do you think this is what has happened? Also, is it possible that I over heated the chocolate malt and have lost usable sugars by doing so?
Currently it looks like 5%. If this yeast cannot handle the level of alcohol would it mean that bottling would result in flat beer? I'm guessing yes so maybe I need to add a higher alcohol capable yeast to ensure i can get a good fizz from my end product and finish eating the sugar that is still present.

Your thoughts and experience are very much welcome.
I can't see anything in the data sheet to suggest that's a high alcohol level for the yeast. 5% isn't particularly high so I don't think you will have a problem there. Not that I've used this particular yeast.
Thanks for showing an interest guys. Its been on now for 6 days and stopped seriously working about 3 days ago, i tried a stir up but didn't really have an effect. Initially it was hitting about 27 deg which the fast fermentation but since that died of it has dropped to nearer 22. Checked it again today and it really has not made any more inroads into the sugars.
If you didn't hydrate the dried yeast it will have killed up to 50% and your beer if drops to around 1010/1012 (expected) would be more like 6% so yes you need more yeast but only about a quarter of a packet . Give it a good stir (avoid splashing) and get the temp to 20/22c first and after 24hrs take a gravity reading . If it still hasn't moved then pitch the yeast and leave for a few days then re test .