Sorry I am in need of a bit more help again, I stored a coopers real ale in one of my cornies a few weeks back and had the psi set quite low, for some unknown reason the psi got turned up really high one night, I did turn it down to just under 10psi again the next day, but ever since this all I get is a massive foamy head and hardly any beer.
The tap is connnected directly to out valve on the keg, which I have heard can cause issues, but I didnt have any trouble to start with. Is there any way that I can now solve this problem without doing more damage to the beer :pray: ? Or will I just need to live with it and call it a learning curve? :whistle:
Cheers !!
The tap is connnected directly to out valve on the keg, which I have heard can cause issues, but I didnt have any trouble to start with. Is there any way that I can now solve this problem without doing more damage to the beer :pray: ? Or will I just need to live with it and call it a learning curve? :whistle:
Cheers !!