Help please,Brewferm Diablo not fermenting?

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Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Essex, UK
Hello all, never had this problem before, but I started a brewferm Diablo Friday just gone, I checked it the following day and there was no activity in the air lock. Left it another day and nothing had happened so I removed the airlock, gave it a swirl and turned the radiator on a little. I had a few bubbles later in the day, but it has come to a complete stand still again.

I used the same products that I always do to clean and sanitize. Rather than use 500g candy sugar I used brewing sugar.

Apart from the sugar being different from what I normally use, I can only put this problem down to the fact that when I went to open the tin on friday, it had started to bulge on both ends, was still in date, looked and smelt fine once opened though.

Can anyone suggest anything to get this one going? Or is it a sink job, I was thinking of using the yeast packet from my brewferm wheat beer kit, but that will leave me with nothing when I come to brew that.

At a bit of a loss with this :shock:
Ok I just took the cap off to see what was going on, massive foam , smelt fine too. Screwed the cap back on and the aisrlock is bubbling , so it looks as though the seal was not airtight!

Lesson learnt
Not quite sure why it didn't bubble as it did the other day for a bit, oh well problem solved. Even after all these brews I made a silly mistake.

Only concern is that now it's been sitting at a temp that's too high. Time will tell though

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