Help - Has my yeast gone off?

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Active Member
Oct 4, 2010
Reaction score
Bournemouth, Dorset
Please look at these pic's am a little concerned, comments please and advise on what is wrong and can it be rictified. :pray:



The aroma is yeasty. I made this on the 16th OG @ 1.050 and today I seen this with a SG @ 1.014 :?

:cheers: :thumb:
my brews often look not too different from that after about 3-4days. If your gravity is within about 1 point I would suggest it's about there. :wha:
Looks normal to me :thumb:
As craigite says if it's close to the final gravity you expect it's done, SO4 can work pretty quick ;)
I'd leave it for another couple of days for it to clean up the by products of fermentation though :thumb:
As I said, I would not be troubled if my brew looked like that at day 4. I would check the gravity and if it stays the same for two days and is near the design fg I would rack it and put it somewhere to cool and settle.
Have a crafty taste, that might make you feel better.
yeah will leave it till the weekend then rack it, :cheers: guys :thumb: it's the first time of using fermentis yeasts :lol: will let you know if it tastes ok when it's time :lol: :drink:
No I use the good old fasioned airing cupboard :lol: at first it was too hot @ 25oC then I turned down the thermostat and it sits comfortably at 22oC :cool:
It looks OK, at 22 degrees S-04 will go like a rocket, it's quick anyway, and 4 days is easily doable at cooler temps. I'd leave it in the FV for about 10-14 days in total to let it clear up after itself.

I try to keep mine at 18-19 degrees and wouldn't recommend an airing cupboard for fermenting - generally too warm.
Good news was it turned out ok, had a party on at Halloween and everyone went for the IPA and they were all hammered :rofl: by 3am out of 40 pints I only got 2 :lol: oh now I'm going to have to make more :cheers: guys for all your input much appreciated :thumb:
I wouldn't be worried about my beer looking like that either. i would probably transfer it over to a secondary with an air lock or a cheap keg to finish off for another week, if It were me though, I don't like leaving beer that well fermented without a good co2 blanket above it, others on here don't seem to have issue with it though, the choice is yours.


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