Help/comments on a summer ale

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Jan 17, 2009
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I am trying out my first own recipe this weekend and would welcome any criticism. I am aiming for a fairly light, refreshing summer ale with stuff I have in (trying to do a cheap one!).

So far I have planned:

Length : 5 Gallons
OG : 1.043
Eff : 75%
IBU : 21.8

4.6 Kg Maris Otter
400g Crystal 50-60L (from H&G)

15g Fuggles + 15g Styrian Golding @ 60 Mins
20g Fuggles + 20g Styrian Golding @ 20 Mins
20g Fuggles + 20g Styrian Golding @ 5 Mins

Yeast : Muntons Gold or Nottingham

I was thinking of mashing @ 67C for 1 hour and am also considering the rind of 1 lemon @ 5 mins (would like a bit of 'zing', but not as strong as adding it to a secondary). Would these hops/measurements give a summery taste in these amounts (I have tried to keep away from too many IBUs to keep it refreshing)?

All this may look rather wrong to a trained eye, but please be kind at it is my first attempt at a recipe!?


The only comment I'd make is give it a go, can't see much wrong at all, If it were me I'd leave out the lemon but maby it's worth a shot. feck it why not :cheers:
My guide suggests that'll be a copper coloured best bitter with low out of style bitterness.

For a pale zingy beer (from your ingredients) I'd humbly suggest:
100% pale malt
IBU's to 70% of your OG
Bittering addition 90% of IBU's
15 min addition 10% of IBU's
If bottling: aroma steep 40g at 80°C for 30min (at chilling stage), or better during a secondary fermenter stage
If kegging: addt 8-10g dry hops to keg

I've not used Munton's in an AG, but if I were to use Nottingham I'd up all the copper hops by 5%. It's a yeast that is good at stripping hop character during flocculation.

Alternatively do whatever you want, I'm only suggesting :)
Would the hop choice be good for a summer ale? Also got some Saaz in (only 20g left though)?
Styrians are perfect for their floral citrussy yumminess (naf description sorry :roll: ) fuggles have a more rounded earthy fruity quality, well tasty IMHO. With those on offer I'd blend the 2 for the bittering, and leave it all styrians for their fresh zingy-ness at 15mins and aroma.
I've found Fuggles to be quite delicate and slightly floral and combined with styrians for the main aroma, it's a combo that works very well. The styrian golding in your recipe will give you a thirst quencher for the hotter summer months, though I'd say the bittering is very low, you may want to consider upping the IBU's as SH suggests. You haven't mentioned what's in your stocks, other than your recipe, so,

Would the hop choice be good for a summer ale?

IMO, it would be hard to go wrong with a full styrian/bobek pale. Citrus works well in summer pales/ales, so you might want to consider some of the US c hops, cascade springing immediately to mind. Boadicea hops also work well, along with Pioneer. Quite a few of the US hops fit the bill for summer pales so it may well be worth researching a bit further :thumb:

Whatever you decide to brew, keep us posted :cheers:
Good point, Vossy :oops:

Stock is:

Maris Otter
Crystal 50-60L
Flaked Barley
Black Malt
Roast Barley

Fuggles ~ 90g @ 4.2 AA
Styrian Golding ~90g @ 5.5 AA
Saaz ~20g @ 3.2 AA

Muntons Gold

I am now thinking of going for a 94/4 percentage split on the MO/Crystal to keep it a bit 'lighter', but not too light.

I have upped the hop schedule a bit to:

Fuggles 20g @ 60
Styrians 20g @ 60
Fuggles 10g @ 15
Styrians 30g @ 15
Styrians 30g @ 5

Does this look better (31.7 IBU and 70% according to StrangeBrew)? Still going to go with the lemon zest as a 'why not'!
If that was me I would Bitter with the 40g Fuggles as one addition at 60 minutes
35g Styrian at 15 minutes
35g Styrian at 70C
Is there something inherently wrong with crystal in a summer ale? I thought it might add a little colour/body/residual sweetness :wha:
For summer ale I think of a very light coloured (prolly all pale malt, or pale & caramalt, or pale & lager malt) and citrussy hops. That's my interpretation of 'Summer Ale'. It's not a defined style, and who cares if it was, make what you like to sup in the sun :cheers:
Bolty no not at all, it may be that MEB's preference is no Crystal, I don't think Brewstew is a Crystal fan either IIRC :hmm:

It depends what your after and what sort of crystal you want to use - there are lots of different gradingsa available light to dark crystal, most peoples perception of a summer drink is a nice light hoppy ale, but thats just not some peoples drink so go with the beauty of AG - and Brew for You.
I'd mash at a little lower temperature - maybe 65C - just to make the wort that bit more fermentable and get a slightly drier, crisper beer overall.

(I'd also probably use 20-50% of lager malt in the grist if I had it in, and maybe a bit of caramalt (200g?) to give a little bit more body but little colour........and maybe another 100 - 150g of wheat malt for extra fluffy head - but that's just me)