Heated blanket or water bath with a fish thermostat?

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New Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Hey all,

Had my coopers larger in the FV for 9 days now and is dropping a point on the hydrometer each day. Don't think i'll wait until 1006 to bottle. But already thinking about the next kit. I am however torn between buying a cheapo electric blanket (i have loads of timers) or using a fish tank thermostat (not sure how i make the water bathwith the tap on the side of FV?!). What would people recommend?


Hey chuck, first of all, I'm the spelling pedant on here :evil: :D

And the brew you are making is......

LAGER :thumb:

Unless you live in a large refrigerated unit - don't bother with heating gear for your LAGER ;)

It'll do it's thing from 18'c, stick it in the airing cupboard, living room, etc ;)

Good luck with future brews :cool:


BeerEagle said:

ITS thing

(I'm a grammar nazi) lol


(falls to the floor holding head like it's been kicked by a skinhead)

Top marks beereagle :thumb: :thumb:

:rofl: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Haha, always the first to hold my hands up guys! ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

evanvine said:
oldstout said:
Hey chuck, first of all, I'm the spelling pedant on here
I always thought that honour belonged to Moley!

Yep that'll be right ;)

But the larger thing makes my toes curl :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

That's what comes of being in print for over 30 years :lol:

evanvine said:
With regard to heating a brew, I always monitor the wort temp to control any heating appliance.

....whoops sorry :?

.....and back to the thread :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oops, won't make that mistake again for fear of any more wrath. (Predictive text says i use the word larger more than the word larger! That needs to change )

If i was to do an ale kit then am i right in thinking it would need to be a bit warmer?
Most lager kits are supplied with an ale yeast anyway so you can ferment them at home with no cooling system.
chuckflorist said:
not sure how i make the water bath...
You could always just dangle the heater in the beer via a hole in the lid.

With a blanket you run the risk of heating it too much. I assume you're considering setting the timer to come on for a bit, then off etc? If so, you may get better, or at least comparable results by just sticking it in the airing cupboard.

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