Head Retention with Hand Pull Q.

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Active Member
Mar 5, 2009
Reaction score
Grimsby, N.E.Lincs, UK
A while back i swapped my original seving tap to a hand pull :D Im trying to acheive the more Traditional served ale style.

Now im dropping the PSI to about 8-10 in the corny. Going through a Check Valve. The Corny is sat at room temp and runs through a beer cooler.

When i pull a pint through im not getting a head that will last, especially not to the end of the pint.

And im getting fed up of going down to my local and being told hardly any of the bar maids know how to pull the proper ale hand pull (yeah tricky i know...) and still being served a pint with a head on that lasts too the last mouthful.

How the heck can i improve mine? Any advise appreciated..... please!

Adding head forming malts is worth ago but to be honest I haven't found that I've had to to get a lasting head from my beer engine, thats true with/without sparkler. Ales just using Pale malt have been spot on.

I normally force carb at 20psi for 3 or 4 days then drop back to 10 psi then serve at 6-8 psi to serve get the nozzle to the bottom of a LIMITED EDITION "THE HOME BREW FORUM PINT GLASS" (buy one while you still can) and 4 -5 nicely timed pulls and hey presto!

Does the beer have an ale like carbonated feel to it?
Yeah the beer itself does taste fine.

Does the check valve need to be a cetain way round? At the mo its screwed to the under side of the bar top. So the beer goes in at the bottom and out from the side. (not that i think that makes a diff to the head, thats just another Q)

Wheres these Glasses then????? :cheers:

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