basically a 32 litre burco boiler to get water upto 65 deg
i thought i meassured 15l ontop of what was above the tap level
should have been 20 but i think i lost count putting it in
then the boiler dint work so i had to take it all back out reset button underneath and then all ok,
the grains were put into a bag and that brought the level upto the max level on the boiler.
i then after the 65 deg temp reached kept it simmering in the boiler,
after the tap was blocked with grain as the bag got burned on the bottom, when i noticed i then suspended it up higher,
when i used a saucepan to get the liquid out some got spilt.
boiler cleaned out and the bag was squeezed etc etc
the liquid then returned to the boiler for a good boil, i did forget to start the clock but was a good hour.
this then put into the fv and then noticed i was only at 15l
so i topped it up to what i thought was 23l.
i did taste last night , it was ok but weakish
maybe after time it will be better, im leaving it in the fv for a few weeks as advised before.
at least this time around it is a clear beer which i am really please with
so i guess i didnt really sparge at all, but just squeezed the bag i guess. all the time it was getting to 65 deg i was dunking it up and down.
hope this helps with where i maybe going wrong