Has anyone been brewing a SMaSH

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May 16, 2019
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As the title says, anyone been doing a Single Malt and Single Hop brew of late??? Or perhaps some hop water for example too?

I've recently been reading about this stuff and wondering how often you guys do either of these and what are you or have been doing?

I do like the idea of the hop water that makes you feel buzzed or slightly drunk but has no alcohol in it hehe =)
I've brewed Maris otter and First gold SMaSH. Turned out quite lovely.
Never tried any hop tea. Just got an idea of hop "lemonade" could be quite refreshing summer drink..
Not hop water but I've done hopped cider, and I also did hopped lemon cider that was apple juice with few bottles of still lemonade in it.
I have a SMaSH on at the moment, 100% Vienna malt lager with huell melon hops.
Yes quite a few of 'my brews' are smash beers, they sound simple but the opposite is true, SMaSH brews have nowhere for any odd/off flavours to hide. They are also a good way to learn where the flavours come from, done well you can make some cracking SMaSH beers…
I’ve done a Smash with Crisp extra pale malt and Mandarina Bavaria hops. Fermented with CML five yeast.

Came out quite nice, tasted light and refreshing despite being 6.4%. I used 125g of hops in total, if I did it again I’d use more, especially in the late additions and dry hop.

Ive also done a Bram X SHA, but this wasn’t a smash as it had 5% caramel malt in the grain bill.

Other brews I’ve done with a bittering addition at 60 mins of something high AA% and then single hops for the rest.

Moving away from the smash concept i suppose but it’s a Its a good way to play around with different hops and get an idea of flavours.
I would second Maris Otter and Citra, MO and Mosaic also work well. That said while I like the simplicity of SMASH beers, I also did a single hop beer with Galaxy (but added some Wheat so can’t call it a smash), but was lovely.
I did a Maris otter mosaic smash a while back the last week I did the same with a addition of lemon drop hops gorgeous brew that one is.
+1 for MO/Mosaic, lovely beer!!! Used GH's single hop recipe as a blueprint, came out just shy of 4%...
Pilsner malt & strata seems good. My most recent SMaSH

Citra hop water was great for a first attempt
I rarely do single malt these days. I think two malts is often better than one. Base + crystal, base + wheat, base + Vienna, base + chocolate etc.

For my tastes.

Yeast makes or breaks a beer.
Just put a Citra SMaSH on yesterday
4kg Maris Otter
20g Citra hops 13%AA 60min
50g Citra Hops 13%AA 75° for 20 min hopstand.
Yeast CML Five.
Added 125g acidulated malt to lower the pH.