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Senior Member
Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
Belper, Derbyshire
Well I mashed and brewed a pale ale...
Forgot to fit my hop filter so winded up chucking them in muslin squares... That made the tidy up easier.
I also had some bonus wort so question is can I use this to prime in two weeks? I doing it in a sterile demi-john (watered it down toward 1020 as I was thinking of using it as yeast breeding ground).
I would have posted some pics but photobucket has ceased to work from my mobile where said pics are taken so blame those guys!
Happy 2013.
Just a little spare in dj the beer proper is on an fv with done reclaimed yeast doing its thing. Just curious to know how much 1020 wort is needed to prime? I have about 3 litres of that also if keeping it in a dj is okay.
When I keep some It is only about 1 lt. Add that to the trub from your last fermentation and it will be fine. Although I don't brew beer that often to do that. So usually start with new yeast every time.
You misunderstand my question. I was going to use it for yeast (I have now used reclaimed yeast for my last two brews as it is great and way more cost effective). I then thought it may be used for priming sugars when I barrel in two weeks time... Presumed about 2 litres of 1020 wort would do but just wanted to clarify if I had missed some obvious reason not to do this.

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