Russ146 said:Tim_Crowhurst said:Sounds all good. Make sure you put in a load of French marigolds alongside the tomatoes, peppers, chillis and courgettes. The marigolds will kill off nematodes that would attack them. Plus you can use the flowers to make wine. Also, if you plant any kind of bean, put the courgettes nearby. They'll benefit from the nitrogen that gets fixed by the beans.
I'm heading over to my allotment today, to finish getting the ground ready and to get my beetroot, parsnips and spinach in. I've also got courgettes, potimarron squash, broad beans, French & African marigolds, potatoes, nasturtiums and loads of herbs.
Marigolds and Nasturtiums are brilliant for confusing the scents so the carrot and onion flies cant find the veg plus Naturtium flowers make a colourful and peppery addition to a salad, i love them
Nasturtium leaves are also edible. They have a similar taste to the flowers, although more peppery. I'll have loads of herb salads this year, since I've also got dill, fennel basil, coriander and parsley in (plus thyme, sage, oregano and marjoram).
Fennel is one of my all-time favourite herbs. It has such a delicious flavour! I really need to increase the amount I grow, because whenever I'm up there I just munch on it while I work, and none of it survives long enough for me to cook with it :lol: