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New Member
Nov 26, 2012
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Hello All,

Just thought I'd put up a post to introduce myself.

Thought I'd need a hobby & after seeing the home brew range in my local Wilkinsons shop , when in there for something totally unrelated, then reading up, mostly on this great forum, about what equipment etc I'd need I took the plunge & started off with 4.5l California Connoisseur Zinfandel Blush & this is currently in the de-gassing stage. Shortly after I started 4.5l of Muntons Elderflower & this is now in the clearing stage. Both wines seem to be doing fine so hopefully will turn out OK & then I can start to get some stock built up ready for BBQ season.

For the last week I fancied doing some ale so again after reading all the kit reviews I have today started a Festival Old Suffolk Strong Ale. Seems to a be a really good kit, although I've got no previous information to compare it to. I do like my strong ales, tried most of the bottled ones from the supermarket & also a few from pubs. Had a nice one down the Norfolk Broads a few years ago called Norfolk Gorse.

Anyhow just like to say this is a great forum with a load of knowledge & has already been a great help to me :cheers:

welcome to addiction :hmm: not neccesarily drinking ........brewing :thumb:
Welcome to the forum!

I'm currently making the California Connoisseur zinfandel blush kit, I'm still in the first stage though so you're a bit ahead of me. Be great to know how yours turns out though!
Thanks for the welcome everyone :cheers:

Stevie - I've just added the finings to the Rose` after thoroughly de-gassing (I hope!) so now it's just sitting there for a few days to clear & can then be bottled.
I've just had a sneaky taster & to be honest even at this unfinished stage it tastes decent so I'm hoping it'll turn out quite nice if I can leave it alone & not start drinking it - patience & will power are not my strong points :nono:
well get some other wines/beers on the go so your not tempted........ :D

Sounds like a plan there :thumb:

I'm certainly enjoying the early days of home brewing, pretty interesting how it all works so can certainly see this hobby continuing for some time.

May have to try some other 6 bottle kits to get some stock built up or if the Rose` works out well then maybe will knock out a 30 bottler.

I do have 40 pints of Old Suffolk Strong Ale in the FV so as soon as that's kegged, hopefully will also have enough spare bottles by then, might try a St. Peters Ruby Red or even another Festival Ale - choices, choices :wha: