Glycol Thermostat

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New Member
Feb 17, 2013
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I need to replace the thermostat in my maxi 210 beer line chiller because I want to run glycol in it. Does anyone know where I can get a suitable thermostat that will allow me to go to -20 Deg C
Something like an STC1000 would probably go that low - they claim to go to -50!, and they're cheap and plentiful on Ebay. I have one controlling my hot water cylinder temperature after the mechanical thermostat failed just as I was about to make a brew 'fridge!
+1 for stc1000 as it has the compressor delay on the cooling relay.

tho -20C may be a bit ambitous as the glycol solution will thicken considerably at that temp and could overtax the agitator or recirc pump.

afaik you need a glycol ready chiller for lower temps, those designed for water are not upto keeping the viscous solution moving.