Gallstones, the enemy of homebrewing

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May 16, 2019
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Yup, currently in week four of absolute bloody pain. Currently high as a kite on cocodemol, burned out all tv and movies I wanted to see. But the thing I really want to do is get a brew on. But it's too painful, plus a bloody nice chinese curry wouldn't go a miss right now. Reduced to adam's ale, toast and dairy is a total no-no. Life is so fun, gallstones are not :C
I did have an episode of Gout, but narrowed the problem down to being dehydrated, rather than the beer itself.
Now I just make sure I have lots of other fluids before a beer session:laugh8::laugh8:
Got my scan next week, after that they may whip out my gallbladder. I went past the chippy yesterday, it smelt like heaven but nope, can't touch that stuff bah!
Gout is my personal nemesis unfortunately brought on by too much beer. Never ending circle
I feel your pain 😟

I have suffered gout for a few years and finally found my main trigger was lager i am glad to report moving to proper beer to reduce my flare-ups was no hardship ;)
I have suffered gout for a few years and finally found my main trigger was lager i am glad to report moving to proper beer to reduce my flare-ups was no hardship ;)
Lager, euch :~) Well, the match is on later, might risk a couple of winter warmers that were kegged well over a month ago. Prolly matured nicely and prolly a nice pint, until my stomach has its revenge lol!
Laughing, as I read the messages above! There is a solution for gout! Just as there is for cholesterol. I had gout off and on for many years. I even had to have my knee syringed at a hospital once because the gout had travelled there and my knee had swollen like a rugby ball. The secret is a preventative tablet you can get prescribed called ALLOPURINOL. It comes in 100mg, 200mg and 300mg. I'm on 1 x 300mg every morning with a full glass of water.

Touch wood, I haven't had a gout attack for nearly a decade! I can now eat or drink literally anything within reason. As long as I watch the calories and carbs. Before that incredible little tablet, I couldn't eat mushrooms, tomatoes, shellfish, red meat, etc.
I have suffered gout for a few years and finally found my main trigger was lager i am glad to report moving to proper beer to reduce my flare-ups was no hardship ;)
My trigger is malty beers but I dislike lager so I’m good there lol. I also switched from red wine to white and i watch how much purine rich food I eat.
Laughing, as I read the messages above! There is a solution for gout!

I never got it often maybe a couple of times a year but when i did get it it was bad and usually meant at least a week off work, i know about these one a day tablets but *I don't want to take a tablet every day on the off chance i may get gout so my doctor prescribed Colchicine and now if i get the tell tale feeling its starting i take the recommended dose and it never gets to the stage i cannot get my boot on.

* I don't take any medication unless i have to and fortunately i rarely have to.

Colchicine is a medicine for treating inflammation and pain.

It can be used to:

  • treat flare-ups (attacks) of gout
  • prevent increased flare-ups of gout when you first start on a medicine like allopurinol – taken to manage your condition long term
  • prevent flare-ups of symptoms of familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) – an inherited inflammatory condition
Colchicine is available on prescription.

It comes as tablets.
Laughing, as I read the messages above! There is a solution for gout! Just as there is for cholesterol. I had gout off and on for many years. I even had to have my knee syringed at a hospital once because the gout had travelled there and my knee had swollen like a rugby ball. The secret is a preventative tablet you can get prescribed called ALLOPURINOL. It comes in 100mg, 200mg and 300mg. I'm on 1 x 300mg every morning with a full glass of water.

Touch wood, I haven't had a gout attack for nearly a decade! I can now eat or drink literally anything within reason. As long as I watch the calories and carbs. Before that incredible little tablet, I couldn't eat mushrooms, tomatoes, shellfish, red meat, etc.
I have had the knee gout and it’s horrendous. I had it once I’m Mallorca on holidays and could only walk when drunk so made sure I was most of the 2 weeks.
inlooked into allopurinol but decided it wasn’t for me with the adverse side affects. I use colchatine as a preventative with 1 tiny tablet every 2 days. It’s natural (stamen of the crocus plant) and has been used for centuries.
if I do get the start of a gout flare up I up the dose for 2 days and it’s gone.
Laughing, as I read the messages above! There is a solution for gout! Just as there is for cholesterol. I had gout off and on for many years. I even had to have my knee syringed at a hospital once because the gout had travelled there and my knee had swollen like a rugby ball. The secret is a preventative tablet you can get prescribed called ALLOPURINOL. It comes in 100mg, 200mg and 300mg. I'm on 1 x 300mg every morning with a full glass of water.

Touch wood, I haven't had a gout attack for nearly a decade! I can now eat or drink literally anything within reason. As long as I watch the calories and carbs. Before that incredible little tablet, I couldn't eat mushrooms, tomatoes, shellfish, red meat, etc.
I have had the knee gout and it’s horrendous. I had it once I’m Mallorca on holidays and could only walk when drunk so made sure I was most of the 2 weeks.
inlooked into allopurinol but decided it wasn’t for me with the adverse side affects. I use colchatine as a preventative with 1 tiny tablet every 2 days. It’s natural (stamen of the crocus plant) and has been used for centuries.
if I do get the start of a gout flare up I up the dose for 2 days and it’s gone.
I never got it often maybe a couple of times a year but when i did get it it was bad and usually meant at least a week off work, i know about these one a day tablets but *I don't want to take a tablet every day on the off chance i may get gout so my doctor prescribed Colchicine and now if i get the tell tale feeling its starting i take the recommended dose and it never gets to the stage i cannot get my boot on.

* I don't take any medication unless i have to and fortunately rarely have to.

Colchicine is a medicine for treating inflammation and pain.

It can be used to:

  • treat flare-ups (attacks) of gout
  • prevent increased flare-ups of gout when you first start on a medicine like allopurinol – taken to manage your condition long term
  • prevent flare-ups of symptoms of familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) – an inherited inflammatory condition
Colchicine is available on prescription.

It comes as tablets.
Beat me to it chippy. I love my colchicine (thanks for the correct spelling)
+1 for the Allopurinol tablets.
I've been taking them for years since first diagnosed with gout (amongst other things!)
I feel your pain. Got my gallbladder out 5 years ago, and I was delighted to see the back of it. The pain is utterly horrendous. Hope you get it out soon.
My gall bladder was exorcised (exercised?) About 20yrs ago. Haven't missed it.... Well, I miss the excruciating pain that caused it to be retired.
My old boss had spells of being sick from work for many months due to his gall bladder / stones. Eventually had it taken out though waited quite a long time due to the good old NHS as it's not a priority where they're concerned.

Hope you get it sorted soon.

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