I was listenting to an american internet interview the other day with a guy that does a lot of fruit beers, he was using raspberries and putting them in whole for about a week I think in secondary, he just chucked them in whole, no boiling pasteurization or anything, He said it was worth the risk for the better flavour you get by not messing with the fruit.
If your only doing 23ltrs its worth the risk, 1 to 1 1/1LB per gallon would be about right give them a clean to remove green leaves etc, freeze them for a couple of days to allow the skins to break down more easily and chuck em in a keg with the stout after the initial fermentation is done, fine after 4 days then transfer to a final keg or bottle.
Worth the risk in my opininon, Might have to have a go at one myself :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: maybe with Pacific Gem hops to add a bit of blackcurrent flavour to the mix :hmm: