Forgot to test OG

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Active Member
Apr 25, 2012
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well my first kit is now in the pressure barrel, and I realised that I should have checked the OG before putting the yeast in so I never got a reading.

It's a woodfordes wherry so I'm hoping for a 4.5% but I was wondering if I can ever find out the ABV now or if it's too late?

I had a taste and it was delicious but didn't taste very strong. Would the alcoholic 'bite' (flavourwise) come with more time in secondary fermentation? :hmm:

cheers all :cheers:

I have thoroughly enjoyed the process and look forward to my next brew!
Did you just make it up to instructions? If so it's about 1.040 - 1.042 on a wherry. the fermentables are definitely in there so it comes out the same.

not sure about the bite, i found it well balanced. it will taste better in time, but i usually find it's smoother, not sharper!
I didnt on my 1st brew, its not essential, I think the general concensus was drink a few and see how I feel...

Not much help really but so long as it tastes good I wouldnt worrk too much so long as you were sure fermentation had finished :)
Cheers for replies. Only reason I wondered about 'bite' was it's more like drinking diluted honey at the moment!
Yeah followed instructions and it was in FV for quite a while so should have done it's thing.

I think the 3 pint test should give me a close enough estimation, I won't bother trying to get an accurate reading!

thanks ;)
I haven't measured anything actually. Oh well the proof will be in the drinking... no pun intended!
The sweetness is the sugar that has not been converted to alcohol yet, as the yeast much through the sugar the sweetness will go.

I have not tried your kit so cant comment on taste but if you want more “bite” do you mean more alcohol or bitterness? Personally I don’t really want to taste the alcohol but I do like my beers reasonably bitter. Most kits can be improved with some hops but its worth leaving this till you have a couple of brews under your belt to get the basics sorted.
Before your next brew try calibrating your FV.
If you search for " calibrating" it should bring up the relevant posts.
These FV's can be out (mine was +3 pints out ) this can contirbute to your brew being a bit thinner and a lower ABV than expected.
Good luck it's a great hobby with equally great and helpful fellow brewers.

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