Floor corker woes

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Aug 10, 2020
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MRS Mash Monster is in charge of the wine making but needs my help to cork the wine with a floor standing corker.
Today I corked 27 bottles and put them in the rack only to find that 15 or so were leaking. Thinking it was the corks
( colmated from TMM) I switch them out for premium standard corks but some of them started to leak as well. On close inspection of the corks I noticed two verticals lines down the side of the corks it would appear that the moving jaws on the corker are leaving a pair of grooves down the side of the cork and causing the leaks . Has anyone else experienced this ? Is there an easy fix or is it time for a new corker ?
Never used a floor corker, I have a lever type thingy, but can't you feel inside the mechanism to see whether there's something that shouldn't be there causing the grooves?
Back on the old steam days, I used to bottle wine by putting a piece of string down the neck of the bottle before forcing the cork in by hand and then pulling out the string. This was to allow the air to escape instead of being compressed. I don't suppose your corker has thus on mind?
The corker appears to be intact there is nothing untoward.I think the jaws themselves are leaving the grooves when they compress the corks. What I can’t understand is why it has just suddenly started
What model corker do you have, is it a farrari?

It is unusual to wear them out,
Do the jaws look noticeabley different from the spares?

How old is the unit?
Does it just need to service and a grease?
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The unit is a least 5 years old and the label which is in French states it was made in Portugal. A quick Google search shows them referred to as Portuguese opposed to Italian.
The jaws are showing wear on their leading edges which I believe is causing them to crease or score the corks. I’m going to try ease the edges a little and grease the unit up and see how they go
Interesting that wear is showing as sharp edges, do they rub against other metal parts to act like a knife sharpener?
I would expect wear to make them more smooth over time.

Try what @MashBag says, as I wonder if you need to let the cork regain its shape after being squeezed.

Here are the jaws being replaced the leading edges on mine have seemed to have curled up. I've rounded them over they still leave a groove but it’s less pronounced.
As to replacements it’s no joy with the main suppliers here in the UK and replacements from over the pond are not really cost effective. 👍🏼to @MashBag for his suggestions

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