Flat and cloudy beer?? HELP!!

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Nov 16, 2009
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My Woodfordes Wherry is 2 weeks into the 2nd fermentation stage in a pressure barrel (40 pints). When I took a sample yesterday the beer was both cloudy, and more surprisingly it was a bit flat. This is my third brew of the Wherry in the last few months. The previous two batches came out with very promising and pleasing results, good body and creamy head. I don't have the technical expertise and only limited experience, so can anybody advise as to what the problem is and what I do? Or do I just need to wait?
Many thanks
Jim. :drink:
From the information given Jim, I think the answer is wait another week and sample it again :thumb:
A bit flat? Was there much pressure when you dispensed or could you have a leakage issue? Did you give the beer a good few days in the house at fermenting temp after kegging?

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