First time brewer popped my keg!?!?!?!?! help

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New Member
Jan 7, 2011
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Hello home brew forums

I have just started brewing a youngs starter lager kit.

after 8 days bubbling had stopped and the reading on the hydrometer was steady @ 1010 and in the yellow mark that says bottle it.

so we syphoned it off in the the keg and added the 85 grams of suger per 25 litre keg and put it back under the stairs for its warm 3 days. as instructed on the youngs begineers instructions

however last night i went into the cupboard under the stairs and the floor was soooooooooooo saturated with beer i think i have lost about 3 litres.

the pressure was very high but i am a little puzzled as to what gone wrong

any ideas???????

In my experience, first fermentation doesn't usually finish for me at 8 days, I generally leave it at least 2 weeks. So i wonder if there was still a fair bit of first fermentation going on quietly and then you added sugar to it and kicked it again, big time?

Was the barrel well sealed and greased?

Any issues with the tap being poorly sealed?


Don't panic, the guys on here will help you fix or salvage most things so hang in there for more advice... :whistle:
Welcome Bp, I'm not familiar with kegs, but there will be someone along with some sage advice :cheers:
if its one of the wlikinsons kegs. it will be leaking out of the tap. id slowly unscrew the top to relase some if the gas.but not all of it. hope this helps
Hi welcome to the forum...

You should be able to see where the leak is.. my first prime suspect would be the G Jack said it's started up again with the addition of the priming sugar and if it's a new keg maybe the tap was not tight. If it's the tap.. then I would run the lager back into your FV..try not to splash to much....(this may give it time to settle down a little)...take a good look then at the tap...they can be buggers at times..then when you're happy the kegs ok.. pop the lager back in and try again....oh and this time stand it on a tray... :thumb:

You'll be ok..get stuck into the next brew... :clap: