First kit complete - what to do next?

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Active Member
Mar 16, 2012
Reaction score
St Albans
Hello all,
I've recently successfully completed my first kit ( and I'm already thinking about what to do next. Should I play it safe and stick with a few more kits or think about trying something more challenging? I can't see myself going to AG straight away but what about trying to enhance/modify some kits with additional ingredients etc. I don't want to try anything too difficult and mess it up.
Any advice would be welcome.
If you are happy with the basic principals of brewing then why not progress onto extract brewing. You can build yourself or buy a boiler which you can use for all grain eventually. There are some excellent how to's on here and on the next for extract brewing.
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to do some reading on the forum and get a plan together for my next brew.
Keep on brewing!!!!!

Get a stash going, so you can let stuff condition/mature/improve, brew more than you think you can drink, and don't forget the 'P'word ;)

.....Patience ;)
I've been looking at the extract brewing "kits" from one of the site hosts and i like what im seeing.

The one i looked at would work out at around £17 for a 40 pint brew, thats cheaper than the premium kits i buy and im assuming that they will taste far superior?

Personally im going to do the kits on my what to brew next list and then move onto extract brewing.

My birthday is in August and i'll be asking the birthday man for a plastic boiler to get me on the way :grin:
Here's a plan:

1. Grab another kit and whack that on.
2. While that's brewing, do all the reading and decide what route to follow!

No let up in beer production and progression at the same time!

SWMBO has me restricted to one kit a month at the moment :cry:
She is pregnant and says it's not fair that i can drink any time i want and she can't :roll:
Hopefully all that will change after 02/10/12 :pray:

Tell her that it needs to mature for 4-5 months so brewing more now will mean you will have plenty to wet the babies head :thumb:

Also once the little one comes along she will find another excuse for you not to brew believe me :hmm: :hmm:
First, congratulations!

Second, brew something that she likes to condition while she's brewing your little 'un. That shows selflessness.

Third, +1 for grays advice, head wetting is required. Modify a kit so you can legitimately call the brew a new, baby related, name...

Fourth, make sure, in the gentlest way possible that SWMBO understands that it's cheaper to brew beer than buy it - you are being a perfectly responsible father...

Fifth, more congratulations!
Thanks calum,

SWMBO also says im not really aloud to buy it either so number 4 doesn't count.
SWMBO doesn't like homebrew, i have a gallon of WOW sat in the cool loft (she like white wine) and she tried it in December and said it taste just the same as all home brewed wine which in her opinion is not good :wha: :roll:
I thought it was ok for a white wine (don't like white wine at all, i like red)

I have my ways of getting round her though ;)
Im happy at the moment with one kit per month and i top it up with Bombardier or Directors from the supermarket when she's feeling in a giving mood. :lol:

The way i get round it is by telling her that she baught me the brewwing kit for xmas so how can she not expect me to use it, this is the way i will get round the extract brewing purchases as i will be asking for the equipment for my birthday ;)
Andy, I reckon that grays is going to have to induct you to the ancient order of secret brewers! I can't see any other way forward... :rofl:
You do have to show a life time commitment to the order. It is not easy but it is possible :lol:
I was in the same position and have moved on to Brupaks 2 can kits and hops in teabag form a bit more involved but a massive taste improvement on coopers 1 can kit
I need to go down the rout of slowly slowly catchy monkey with SWMBO.

Im playing the long game for the big prize, 3 shiny barrels/pipes/pumps and controll boxes in my garage/brewery to be in the future :pray:

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