Completed my first brew with Graimaster yesterday, a couple of teething problems occured and wondered if would make the brew pointless to continue?
1 - during mashing it was extremely slow for the water to filter through the grain and during sparging I actually had to remove the top filter and agitate the grain to get water dripping through - would this have caused an issue?
2 - during transfer to the fermenter the pump blocked and I had to remove all the contents into a sanitised container, clear the pump and re fill to start the cooling process, looks like there was tiny bits of grain in the liquid within the fermenter - not sure if this is standard?
3 - once all in fermenter only got 19.5 litres and not 23 as advised on the kit instructions, may have been tight on the sparse water - will this have detriment?
Sorry for the long message.
Completed my first brew with Graimaster yesterday, a couple of teething problems occured and wondered if would make the brew pointless to continue?
1 - during mashing it was extremely slow for the water to filter through the grain and during sparging I actually had to remove the top filter and agitate the grain to get water dripping through - would this have caused an issue?
2 - during transfer to the fermenter the pump blocked and I had to remove all the contents into a sanitised container, clear the pump and re fill to start the cooling process, looks like there was tiny bits of grain in the liquid within the fermenter - not sure if this is standard?
3 - once all in fermenter only got 19.5 litres and not 23 as advised on the kit instructions, may have been tight on the sparse water - will this have detriment?
Sorry for the long message.