First Brew -No bubbling?

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New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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I have done my first brew.
It consisted of 1/3 packet of youngs yeast,
6 tsp sugar
4.5L apple juice...

It bubbled really nicely, and smells yummy.
It bubbled for about 4 days (although the room it was in was rather warm).
Only a slight problem -it's cloudy.
Do I wait for it to clear or bottle it or... drink it?

Any info would be great,

If it's stopped bubbling it's either finished fermenting or is about to. I'd leave it a couple of days (or a few more if you want it clearer) before bottling or kegging (with priming sugar if you want it fizzy).
Hi Dee,If it was in a very warm room it has probably finished fermenting.Check it with a hydrometer to make sure,if it has wait for it to start clearing(clears from top downwards)& when it is cleared a few inches down syphon into primed bottles.1 level tsp sugar to a bottle for a good fiz don't let it clear fully because you want the cloudiness in the bottles to eat the sugar to carbonate the cider.When u have primed keep the bottles warm for 3-4 days for the yeast to get munching on the sugar then move somewhere cold for at least a week then enjoy,the longer u leave them the better it tastes. :cheers: ken