First Bike

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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2015
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One for all you cyclists (or anyone who’s got small children). My little boy is turning two in October and we are looking at getting him his first bike. He had great fun trying a balance bike at a local cycling club open day, but I’m not sure whether that’s the best route or if he’d be better off with the traditional bike and stabilisers option. I’m thinking possibly the balance bike so he can get the balance and control bit sorted before worrying about pedalling. From a selfish point of view stabilisers would be a lot easier on my back! Thoughts please.
Definitely go for a balance bike, my daughter had one of the wooden framed ones, I can’t remember the brand. She used to take it to the local shop and on the downhill section home made some saves that Valentino Rossi would have been proud of. The transition to a pedal bike was so easy she never needed stabilisers.
+1 Balance bike. Defo.

I have a lovely wooden one in the loft, that I ought to sell. Pm me if you are interested.
Another one for balance bike. Both mine used the same balance bike and neither needed stabilisers and learnt to ride with one push.
Yep. My girls learned how to zoom downhill on wooden balance bikes and picked up cycles easily...
Thanks for the benefit of your experience, balance bike it is then. I”ll freely admit that bikes weren’t really on my radar. My Dad had a disability that meant he never learned to ride a bike so in the end another kid taught me when I was eight or nine years old.

Jof - yeah, I’d say that’s a definite 😆
Just had some good father and son time building a bike with my 8 year old son.

We noticed that he had out grown his bike and needed a 24 inch wheel bike. It's not his birthday or Xmas so I was reluctant to spend north of £400 on a bike now. He doesn't care it was second hand. Found a nice Trek for £50 notes. Frame, wheels and drive train were in good nick. We stripped the rest and re-built together which he seemed to enjoy. All done ready for summer to arrive.
+1 to a balance bike, my eldest picked up a pedal bike very quickly after the balance bike. My youngest not so well, but very randomly it must have all come together today as she's finally got to grips with it.
One for all you cyclists (or anyone who’s got small children). My little boy is turning two in October and we are looking at getting him his first bike. He had great fun trying a balance bike at a local cycling club open day, but I’m not sure whether that’s the best route or if he’d be better off with the traditional bike and stabilisers option. I’m thinking possibly the balance bike so he can get the balance and control bit sorted before worrying about pedalling. From a selfish point of view stabilisers would be a lot easier on my back! Thoughts please.
The older they are when they start on stabilizers, the faster you have to run, but you don't need to lean down as much. So it's swings and roundabouts. Mine were about 4/5. Balance bikes are a good idea but we never used them.